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Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation Year By Year - Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation

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Year: 1861

The 1850’s were a turbulent period of political and social struggle in our nation’s history, but along the Missouri-Kansas border a bloody struggle ensued over the question of slavery in Kansas. Between 1854 and 1859 pro and antislavery forces ambushed and raided each...
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Year: 1862

In January General Samuel Curtis formed the Army of the Southwest in Rolla, and launched a winter campaign to push Gen. Price’s command from southwest Missouri. By mid-February the Federals forced the Southerners into the Boston Mountains of Arkansas. The Confederates...
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Year: 1863

The early months of 1863 were characterized by small engagements throughout the state. One such action was Colonel John S. Marmaduke’s first raid in to the southern portion of the state. These mounted raids were designed to strike Federal outposts, recruit and acquire new...
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Year: 1864

The final full year of combat in Missouri mirrored the previous two twelve-month cycles. From January through August small skirmishes and guerilla activity unsettled the state. It appeared that Missouri would be spared any major conflicts, but in late summer Confederate General...
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