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Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation Sherman, William Tecumseh - Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation

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sherman_showA career army officer, like U.S. Grant, it is difficult to assign a “home town” to William T. Sherman. St. Louis, where he lived on and off throughout his career, is the city which has the clearest claim to Sherman.

As the war approached, Sherman took a position as president of a St. Louis steet railroad, and was present to witness the Camp Jackson affair in May, 1861. He served briefly at Benton Barracks in St. Louis after being relieved of his command in Kentucky when he was thought to have become insane. Restored to field command in early 1862, Sherman went on to achieve legendary success in the Civil War.

After the war, Sherman moved to a home in St. Louis purchased for him by admirers, and from time to time during his post-war career maintained his headquarters there. He retired to St. Louis in 1883, and there in 1884, in the parlor of his home on North Garrison Avenue, penned his famous telegram: “If nominated I will not run; if elected I will not serve.”

The Sherman family moved to New York, where Sherman died in 1891. His body was returned to St. Louis and interred at Calvary Cemetery, where son Willy had been buried in 1863.