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Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation Proskauer, Adolph - Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation

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adolph proskauer civil warBorn in Mobile, Alabama, Adolph Proskauer joined the 12th Alabama Regiment and rose to the rank of Major. He was wounded at Antietem, Chancellorsville and Spottsvania, and retired from the service in December, 1864 on account of his wounds. His role at Gettysburg is treated in Robert Rosen’s book, “The Jewish Confederates.”

Major Proskauer moved to St. Louis after the War, where he became a merchant and prominent member of the St. Louis Jewish community. He was President of the St. Louis Merchant’s Exchange and one of the founders of St. Louis’ Jewish Hospital. He died in 1900 and is buried in Mt. Sinai cemetery in St. Louis County.