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Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation A New and Improved Mocivilwar.org - Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation

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A New and Improved Mocivilwar.org


Missouri’s Civil War Heritage Foundation launches a redesigned, user-friendly website to highlight Missouri Civil War history

ST. LOUIS, MO. JANUARY 29, 2014 – Missouri’s Civil War Heritage Foundation has launched a new and improved version of its website, “the Civil War in Missouri” (mocivilwar.org).

The redesigned site boasts a clean, user-friendly appearance with many new features which will allow visitors to easily explore the wealth of historical and travel information. The latest news and events are prominently featured on the home page so Civil War enthusiasts can quickly stay up-to-date on happenings along both the U.S. Grant and Gray Ghosts Trails.

The upgrade is a product of St. Louis’ InsiteAdvice, a web design and marketing company which created the initial award-winning site in 2003.

Mocivilwar.org serves as not just an online marketing initiative for Missouri’s Civil War Trails, but also as an educational tool. Along with timelines, battle information, and a comprehensive list of biographies for important people who played a role in Missouri’s Civil War, there are also additional resources for students and teachers looking for supplemental lesson materials. Animated battles and maps along with printable educational panels aim to bring history alive and foster interest in the Civil War among new generations.

Since its creation, mocivilwar.org has become the most-visited and visible website for persons searching the internet for the terms “Missouri Civil War” and “Civil War Missouri.” The site has been acknowledged by the Library of Congress’ program to archive electronic material relating to the Civil War sesquicentennial, and is the recipient of a national award by the U.S. Travel Association for the best use of technology in a tourism marketing campaign. It is also the only website devoted generally to the Civil War in Missouri that is linked by the websites of both the National Park Service and the Civil War Preservation Trust.

Greg Wolk, executive director of MCWHF, hopes the redesign of the website will generate even more interest in tourism to Missouri’s Civil War destinations, especially with the recent plans to expand the U.S. Grant Trail into Southeast Missouri this spring. “This sesquicentennial year, 2014, is an important one for Missouri,” said Wolk. Price’s Raid, culminating in the Battle of Westport in Kansas City, October 23, 1864, promises to bring a lot of attention to Missouri, Wolk noted.


About InsiteAdvice:

InsiteAdvice is a St. Louis based digital marketing agency focusing on SEO, Internet Marketing, Web Design, Conversion Optimization and more. They can be found at www.insiteadvice.com.


About Missouri’s Civil War Heritage Foundation:

Missouri’s Civil War Foundation is a 501(c)(3) educational organization and was founded in 2001 to assist Missouri communities in interpreting and preserving their important Civil War heritage sites, and in marketing Missouri’s vast Civil War resources to visitors. Those interested in helping MCWHF with their efforts can contact them at members@mocivilwar.org

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