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Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation MISSOURI'S CIVIL WAR HERITAGE FOUNDATION ANNOUNCES NEW SITE MARKERS FOR U.S. GRANT TRAIL - Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation

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Missouri’s Civil War Heritage Foundation and The U.S. Grant Trail are excited to announce the arrival of new site markers. These metal markers, which feature the U.S. Grant Trail logo, are intended to highlight official stops designated on the U.S. Grant Trail.

Father Dickson Cemetery, in the St. Louis suburb of Crestwood (pictured), is the very first site on the Trail to erect an official marker. Other sites on the U. S. Grant Trail are encouraged to contact MCWHF to obtain their own site markers, which also can double as road directional signage for communities on the Trail. To inquire about obtaining a site marker, please email us at members@mocivilwar.org or call our office at 314-645-4453.

This new marking program is the latest development in the marketing campaign by Missouri’s Civil War Heritage Foundation to highlight the many sites throughout the state related to Ulysses S. Grant’s time in Missouri during the Civil War. Communities on the U. S. Grant Trail are featured on regional maps that are available to visitors in each of the nine Welcome Centers in Missouri, thanks to a partnership with the Missouri Division of Tourism. Sites on the Trail are also eligible to participate in MDWHF’s educational panel program, which has been marketing and interpreting Civil War sites across Missouri since 2006.

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