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Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation Missouri History Museum Partners to Mark Historic Iron County Courthouse - Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation

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Missouri History Museum Partners to Mark Historic Iron County Courthouse

Molly Kodner, Associate Archivist of the Missouri History Museum, with MCWHF Executive Director Greg Wolk, Ironton, Missouri.

Molly Kodner, Associate Archivist of the Missouri History Museum, with MCWHF Executive Director Greg Wolk, Ironton, Missouri.

On Saturday, June 20, 2015, a crowd gathered on the lawn of the Iron County Courthouse to dedicate an educational panel that commemorates the role of the Arcadia Valley in Missouri’s Civil War. The panel, part of Missouri’s Civil War Heritage Foundation’s state-wide marking program, was unveiled and accepted on behalf of the county by Iron County Presiding Commissioner Jim Scaggs.

The educational panel dedicated Saturday is the fifth one that has been co-sponsored and funded by the Missouri History Museum in St. Louis. Principal funding for the panel came from the Arcadia Valley Chamber of Commerce and the Friends of Fort Davidson. The Arcadia Valley, 80 miles south of St. Louis, shelters the cities of Pilot Knob, Ironton and Arcadia and is home to the Battle of Pilot Knob State Historic Site.

Missouri History Museum-sponsored Civil War panels have been erected at the Common Pleas Courthouse in Cape Girardeau, and also at Bellefontaine and Father Dickson cemeteries in the St. Louis area, and at Lafayette Square park in south St. Louis.

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