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Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation "Divided Loyalties" Visits Meramec Caverns - Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation

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“Divided Loyalties” Visits Meramec Caverns

The traveling display from the Missouri State Archives has now stopped at Meramec Caverns in Stanton, Missouri. Stationed in the entrance way of the caverns, the display will be available for public viewing from August 10 – October 29.

Drawing on more than nine million pages of documents and court cases, Divided Loyalties examines the upheaval and uncertainty that characterized Missouri during the Civil War era. The exhibit goes beyond the stories of battles and military strategy to consider the social conflict that permeated the state for the two decades that followed the Kansas Border Wars of the mid-1850s.

For more information about the display, please visit the Secretary of State’s website:

For more information about Meramec Caverns, please visit http://www.americascave.com

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