On February 19th, 2015, Missouri’s Civil War Heritage Foundation’s Executive Director, Greg Wolk, and Programs Manager, Caitlin O’Leary, presented the Missouri History Museum with an archival copy of the Battle of Moore’s Mill technical report entitled, “A Desperate and Bloody Fight: The Battle of Moore’s Mill, Callaway County, Missouri, July 28 1862”. Dr. Fran Levine (center), President of the Missouri Historical Society, accepted the report on the Museum’s behalf .
The technical report was prepared by Douglas D. Scott, Thomas D. Theissen, and Steve J. Dasovich. It chronicles the results of an archeology survey of the battlefield, a site east of Fulton in Callaway County, Missouri. The survey was organized by Missouri’s Civil War Heritage Foundation and funded by a grant from the American Battlefield Protection Program, a branch of the National Park Service. Archeologists uncovered nearly 200 artifacts at the site of the 1862 Battle of Moore’s Mill.
The ABPP grant has funded a nomination of the site to the National Register of Historic Placees, and will also cover a website dedicated to Civil War battlefield archaeology in Missouri as well an educational program in Fulton, MO on battlefield archaeology and the Moore’s Mill Survey.
Photo courtesy of Cary Horton, MHM.