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Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation Civil War Panel in Lafayette Park to be Dedicated May 16th - Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation

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Civil War Panel in Lafayette Park to be Dedicated May 16th

As part of Missouri’s Civil War Heritage Foundation’s Educational Panel Program, the Lafayette Park Conservancy in St. Louis, MO  will be hosting a dedication of their new Civil War Panel “Lafayette Park and Square” this Saturday, May 16th.  The festivities will begin at 3:00 P.M. at the southwest corner of the park near the intersection of Lafayette and Missouri avenues.  The program includes the following:


Presentation of the Colors: 8th Missouri Volunteer Infantry

Welcome: Wardwell Buckner, President, Lafayette Park Conservancy

Remarks: General Ulysses S. Grant (Portrayed by Stan Prater)

Remarks: Gregory Wolk, Executive Director, Missouri’s Civil War Heritage Foundation

Dramatization: Lafayette Square During the Civil War, Angelina Bredell (portrayed by Andrew Dempsey) and a soldier in Sgt. Dill’s Company (portrayed by Jacob Cannon).

Plaque Unveiling and the Retire Colors.


Family activities and refreshments will be held at the Kern Lakeside Pavilion.  The plaque can be viewed online at lafayettepark.org/civilwar.pdf, and you can learn more about the Park during the war at lafayettepark.org/war.  To read more about recent and upcoming panel dedications, please visit https://www.mocivilwar.org/age-grant-begins/



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