In 2013, Missouri’s Civil War Heritage Foundation completed an archaeological dig, funded by the National Parks Service’s American Battlefield Protection Program, on the site of the Battle of Moore’s Mill in Callaway County, Missouri. Students and faculty from Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri took active roles in the research, performance, and aftermath of the dig. A 190-page technical report was produced by field experts Doug Scott, Thomas Thiessen, and Steve Dasovich logging the research and findings at the site, entitled, ” ‘A Desperate and Bloody Fight’: The Battle of Moore’s Mill, Callaway County, Mo., July 28, 1862.”
On January 23, 2015, at a special ceremony, a bound volume of the report was presented to Westminster President Barney Forsyth and Assistant Professor Cinnamon Brown to acknowledge Westminster’s contribution. Presenting the report on behalf of Missouri’s Civil War Heritage Foundation were Joe Holt and Bryant Liddle, who co-chair the foundation’s Callaway County affiliate, Kingdom of Callaway Civil War Heritage.
For more information about the Moore’s Mill dig, visit the following link: https://www.mocivilwar.org/battlefield-archaeology-findings-moores-mill-revealed/