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Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation You're Invited: Dedication of Educational Panel in Cape Girardeau - Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation

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You’re Invited: Dedication of Educational Panel in Cape Girardeau


Missouri’s Civil War Heritage Foundation invites you to the dedication of our newest educational panel, “Grant in Southeast Missouri.”  The panel commemorates Ulysses S. Grant’s military operations in Missouri and the start of his campaign from Cape Girardeau into the Mississippi River Valley.

The panel, part of the Foundation’s Educational Panel Program, will be used to promote Cape Girardeau’s local Civil War history and the city’s important tie to General Grant.  This particular panel is sponsored by the Cape Girardeau Convention and Visitors Bureau, produced by Missouri’s Civil War Heritage Foundation in conjuncture with the Missouri History Museum.

The dedication will take place Tuesday, January 27th (see invitation attached) at Themis and Spanish Streets in Cape Girardeau, MO, at the foot of the Common Pleas stairs.

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