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Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation CIVIL WAR WALKING TOUR AT BELLEFONTAINE CEMETERY - Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation

MO Civil War Home
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Bellefontaine Cemetery in St. Louis, Missouri serves as the final resting place for more than 86,000 souls, and counting.   Twelve Union and Confederate generals are buried here, and the other thirty-eight Civil War figures that lay to rest at Bellefontaine range from emancipated slaves to St. Louis’s most successful madame.  To learn more about these witnesses to history, you are invited to attend a Civil War Walking Tour of Bellefontaine Cemetery. Along the tour, visitors will experience unparalleled beauty and innovation through the cemetery’s architecture and monuments, some of which are on the National Register of Historic Places.  As a bonus, you’ll see the changing leaves of over 5,000 trees that make up Bellefontaine’s class II Arboretum (almost 200 different species).

The next tour is Sunday, October 19, beginning at 9am.  The tour is complimentary, but reservations are required.  For more information and events, visit the website below.


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