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Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation YOU'RE INVITED! INAUGURAL BATTLE OF PACIFIC COTILLION AND BALL - Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation

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The American Legion 402 of Pacific, Missouri cordially invites you for dinner and dancing at the Inaugural Battle of Pacific Cotillion and Ball.  The event will benefit American Legion Post 402 Baseball Pacific Youth Association.

The Ball will take place on November 1, 2014 from 6pm to midnight at the Pacific Eagles Aerie 3842 (707 W. Congress Street, Pacific, Missouri).

The event includes a buffet dinner and dancing, with music by The Fox Creek Band and information about the Battle of Pacific.  It is requested that attendees dress is period or semi-formal attire.

Please RSVP by October 25th to Deborah at 636-257-8462.Cost is $20 for adults, $18 for seniors, 10$ for ages 10-17, and $5 for children under 10.  The price goes up to $25 at the door, all ages.  Make checks payable and mail to American Legion 402, c/o 119 N. First St., Pacific, MO 63069.

Missouri’s Civil War Heritage Foundation hopes to see you there!  Feel free to contact us with any questions, and we will do our best to provide an answer!  (314) 654-4453 or members@mocivilwar.org.

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