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Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation January 2007 - Page 2 of 2 - Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation

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Battle of Drywood Creek

1861 battle was fought during Price’s Lexington Campaign. Battle site is 8 miles west of Nevada.

Battle of Boonville (4th)

Confederates entered and left Boonville in mid-October of 1864 with few skirmishes while being tracked by Union forces. This was the last time the fleeing Confederate forces would pillage the town.

Battle of Boonville (3rd)

General Joseph Shelby’s forces attacked Union troops on October 11, 1863. When Union General Brown arrived the next day, Shelby retreated west.

Battle of Boonville (2nd)

Colonel William Brown led an attack with 800 men on Sept 13, 1861 which would cost him and his brother their lives. The Boonville Home Guard defended the town as troops retreated to Lexington.

Battle of Boonville (1st)

Also known as the “Boonville Races,” this small battle on June 17, 1861 was one of the Civil War’s first.

Battle of Little Blue

8 miles east of downtown Independence.

Battle of Cole Camp

On June 19, 1861, the so-called “German Regiment, Missouri Volunteers” clashed here with elements of the Missouri State Guard fleeing south from Jefferson City, in one of the Civil War’s first engagements.

Zagonyi’s Charge (1st Springfield)

The first classic cavalry charge of the Civil War occurred on October 25, 1861, on the outskirts of Springfield.

Battle of Leasburg

A small but important battle was fought here on September 29, 1864, when the union column retreating from Pilot Knob made a stand at the Southwest Branch Railroad.